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♡ MUSE OF THE MONTH: Andrea Coonrod ♡

♡ MUSE OF THE MONTH: Andrea Coonrod ♡

You might be familiar  with our December Muse Andrea Coonrod from following her life on Instagram @andrea.coonrod or her blog Andrea Coonrod where she shares refreshingly REAL glimpses of her daily life as a mom of two girls and Fashionista.
She has been a style crush of ours for a long time for  her marvelous yet practical style and her talent to capture moments in photos.
We got to know Andrea a bit better through our interview below and are once again in love with her way of combining pieces of our latest ' Casbah Dreams' Collection.
Christmas Time is finally here! What’s your favorite thing to do with your family during weeks leading up to the holidays?
We love to watch Hallmark movies, bake special treats and outdoor activities like skiing in the mountains, campfires, and Christmas tree shopping. 

We absolutely adore your sense of humour and beautiful ‘beachy’ locks (Andrea lives in Colorado not California :)). If you had to name one favorite thing about yourself what would it be?
You’re so sweet, thank you! I love my eye color (it changes based on the color I wear!)
You're mom to two beautiful daughters. What is the most important thing you want to teach them as a parent / mother?
There is not one way to be beautiful and there is no one person who can tell you who you should be. We are all completely different and my wish is that happiness is their greatest emotion towards everyone and everything they do. 
Your photos on your Instagram (@andrea.coonrod) are creative but seem effortless at the same time. What’s your tip for nailing the perfect Insta shot?
Feeling comfortable is essential Feeling comfortable with the person taking the photo is key for me. I need to feel like I can be myself and do whatever I want in a photo without being judged.. I also love to find a new place to shoot because it offers more time for creativity and excitement!
How would you describe your personal style?
My personal style is complicated because I mostly judge on comfort. Sometimes I love a bold print and mixing Boho styles and other times I need all neutral chic but as long as it’s comfy I'm happy!
What was your favourite midwestchristiancamps piece to shoot?
That’s hard because I LOVE the twirling dresses and fun patterns but I think it’s easiest to incorporate my booties in everything!

What are you Seasonal (winter) Style Tipps/ Must Haves?
Winter is all about layers for me because in Colorado it can be 30 degrees and freezing or the suns out and im sweating so I have to be prepared! I think this season I am super into tucking sweaters into my bra so I have less bulk around my waist! I definitely love all things dresses and being able to throw a sweater/cardigan over it is an easy way to spruce up a summer look from midwestchristiancamps!
Andrea is wearing the following pieces from our 'Casbah Dreams' Collection

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